Maria Boritchev
Assistant professor at Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, LTCI, S2A team.

Office 5A26
19 place Marguerite Perey
Welcome to my homepage!
I am Maria Boritchev, PhD. I am now a maîtresse de conférences (~assistant/associate professor) in the Signal, Statistics and Learning (S2A) team in the Information Processing and Communications Laboratory (LTCI) of Télécom Paris. I am a computational linguist, interested in working on all things that are related to linguistics of human-generated data. I work on semantics of natural languages and I have lately been specialising in Abstract Meaning Representation.
After studying at the ENS Lyon and completing a Master of Science in Natural Language Processing at the Université de Lorraine, I defended my PhD in Computer Science, entitled Modeling dialogues in a dynamic theory of types, in November 2021, at the Loria, under the supervision of Maxime Amblard and Philippe de Groote. My old homepage can be found here. After my PhD, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in Warsaw, Poland, and then in Orange Labs, Lannion, France.
On my homepage, you will find a description of my current research, my résumé in French and in English, my publications, and my teachings, along with a presentation of the DinG corpus. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or suggestions for my homepage.
Current PhD supervisions:
- Yi Yu (2024-), co-supervised (50%) with Chloé Clavel.
May 24, 2024 | Mélanie Gornet will be at FAccT’2024 to discuss our work on mapping the AI ethics landscape! |
Dec 12, 2023 | I will be going to Undone Computer Science in February with Tiphaine Viard, Simon Delarue and Mélanie Gornet. See you in Nantes! |
selected publications
- FAccT’24Mapping AI ethics: a meso-scale analysis of its charters and manifestosACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency 2024
- UndoneCSA formal and computational semantics approach to identifying underexplored topics: the case of artificial intelligence ethics charters and manifestosUndone Computer Science 2024
- IWCS 2023Error Exploration for Automatic Abstract Meaning Representation ParsingIn 15th International Conference on Computational Semantics 2023
- LREC 2022A Multi-Party Dialogue Ressource in FrenchIn Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2022
- LACL 2021An inquisitive account of wh-questions through event semanticsIn LACL 2021-Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics 2021